“Ride or die” refers to someone who's always there for you, through the highs and the lows.
Ride or Die Equestrian. An online shop AND a community.
Hi, I'm Susanne. Im a lifelong horsegirl and generally frazzled adult ammy who has taken breaks here and there to get through school, career, motherhood, leukemia/stem cell transplant, more career, and finally resolved to do my heart and soul the good it needs.
I'm 6'0", age 52, size 10, with cellulite, battle scars, wrinkles and dimples. I've yet to meet a cupcake I didn't like. I've got two teen kids, two teen horses, a cup of coffee in my hand at all times, and a phone I'm constantly leaving somewhere. I'm real. I'm tired. I'm broke. But I love (almost) every minute of it - just like you.
Our goal here at Ride or Die is to be more than just a place that sells you stuff. We work tirelessly to discover and present high quality, comfortable performance riding apparel that actually fits, flatters and lasts. In a world of endless options, we curate and offer the highest quality horse gear, health and stable supplies too.
We do this all based on your feedback. We listen and collaborate with you. We've got a vibrant Facebook Community where we share tips, tricks, make recommendations and support one another. We we host weekly Live Sales where you can join in with your comments and questions - which we wholeheartedly encourage.
And, of course, you are welcome to just shop the site, earn some great RideRewards and find some great pieces. We are attentive, ship to you quick, offer 30-day returns. We're here to do you right.
So thanks for checking us out! All are welcome here.
I'd love to hear from you! hello@rideordieshop.com